s a web-based company that recycles anything and everything from the show business industry. We offer a full line of services including fixed price sale or Auction. We can come to your studio to run your sale or online auction. If your stuff is in storage, we can help find a suitable pop-up venue. Or sell the contents the trailers from where they are. We can run your whole sale or you can just rent space on our site to post everything or hire us to do the social media for it. Ready Set Recycle has almost seventy thousand followers. In 2023 our sales had well over three million social media views. Ready Set Recycle diverts over 1000 of tons of sets, props and costumes, furniture, set dec out of the landfill each year. Since 2001 we have held set sales for 39 different productions. Our customer base includes the film community and suppliers, theatre companies, small businesses, vintage shops, high schools, universities, and the general public. By the end of each set sale from 90 to 100 percent was sold for reuse or recycled (i.e. given away) resulting in very little waste. In all cases the producers saw increased revenue and attendance of these set sales by working with us. In essence, we put these items where they are needed, wanted and appreciated. This process realizes higher returns for you the seller. We can also help you re-home unsold items to people in need and in so doing, help with your Corporate Social Responsibility goals.
All options include the selling or auctioning of scenery, materials, set dec, props, wardrobe, and equipment…pretty much everything. Our website encompasses running and or marketing of set sales in Canada and the United States and the United Kingdom.
We are pleased to offer the following options for you to choose from.
OPTION 1: We find you a pop up location for your sale!
We can find a space for a Pop – Up sale. You can ship your trailers to us or hire us to handle it; you unpack and display your goods or hire us to do it for you. Once that is done, we take it from there! Trained staff price and , photograph everything and post it all on READY SET This is done at Ready Set Recycle’s cost. Once that is done, the social media campaign begins. We have a proven track record of bringing in standing room only crowds through our social media campaigns. Our target markets include the professional community and the general public. Ready Set Recycle has almost seventy thousand followers. In 2023 our sales had well over three million social media views.
We will handle all payments, giving you cash reports on a daily basis and provide prompt payment to you. We accept VISA, MC, AMEX, and debit.
GIVEAWAY DAYS: We will also be on hand for several days, post set sale, to coordinate give always of unsold items! We do this at no extra charge.
VENUE RENTAL: IF we need to find you a pop up venue for your sale the cost of rent for said venue will be deducted from your share of the proceeds, if Ready Set Recycle pays for it.
After the sale has concluded at a mutually agreed upon time, we can give away unsold items, or manage their dispersal for you, including directing materials to the charity of your choosing. Included in your package is marketing for unsold items.
DISPOSAL COSTS: Disposal costs for unsellable items rubbish and broken items as well as and space clean up will be at your cost, damaged goods, or garbage, will be deducted from your share of the proceeds. Terms can be discussed.
YOUR TAKE: 50% of items sold. Contact us to set up your sale.
The same as Option 1 but we come to your location and set up shop right there in your studio! Our sales staff arrive at your location armed with our sandwich boards, debit, and credit card machines and a cash float. You pay the rent and insure the premises and away we go! Your take : 55% of items sold (negotiable) Contact us to set up your sale.
ONLINE PRESENCE: We create a category just for your show on our site. Once the category is completed, you have direct access to create as many listings as you wish, with photographs and descriptions, and pricing options, as well the details of your sale – where, when, etc. Hyperlinks from our home page feature your set sale. Included are photographs, descriptions, and the whole shmeer! Buyers and production designers and the general public will have easy access to information about your sale. You may sell or auction items as you see fit.
MARKETING: Hire Ready Set Recycle to do your social media. See Option 5 below.
PHOTOGRAPHY: You create and post photos of your items on the site directly or hire us to do it for you.
TIMELINE: You can purchase wrap sale listings as far in advance as you would like.
EDITING INFORMATION: Information on the site can be edited as needed. So, for instance, if you don’t want phone calls from every Joe Blow two weeks prior to the wrap, asking how much the antique car is going to be, simply list all your items with a “SALE DATE, TO BE DETERMINED” or whatever else you wish. Hey, maybe you won’t even need to hold a sale at all.
YOUR COST: Pricing is based on the number of weeks your ad will run and of the number of photos listed. Contact us for details and to set up your sale.
Option 4: Do you have a bunch of sets on trailers that you may end up dumping?
Ready Set Recycle has found new homes for over 100 trailers full of scenery, saving the producers a lot of money that would have been spent emptying them into landfills.
Here’s how it works. If you have a detailed inventory of what is on each trailer it makes it easier to find them new homes on new shows. Get together whatever paperwork and photos of what you have of what’s on each trailer and send them to us at We will create a post on Ready Set Recycle then get the word out to customers.
Together we will set a price for the contents of each trailer when we find a buyer we split the proceeds. YOUR TAKE: 60% of the sale price.
Ideally, the buyer will assume the cartage costs for the trailer to be delivered to them and for the return cost of delivering the trailer to the shipping company’s yard. In the case where the cartage costs aren’t being covered by the buyer then you may have to assume those costs. Regardless of how that part of it goes our brokerage fee of 40% of the sale still applies.
If you end up having to just give the contents away and the customer covers the cartage costs you will remit to Ready Set Recycle $750.00 per trailer that was repurposed. If you have to assume said cartage costs you will remit $500.00 per trailer to Ready Set Recycle. This is far cheaper than hiring a crew and ordering disposal bins. That option can easily exceed $2500.00 per trailer plus cartage costs. Our way is pretty economical and you save money plus you avoid adding volume to a landfill. For more information email us at or call 416 836-0710.
Ready Set Recycle has almost seventy thousand followers. In 2023 our sales had well over three million social media views. You may pay by ad clicks starting at .05 cent per click or by social media views. We can also generate and distribute a press release. Ready Set Recycle is in the media regularly having had feature articles in most Toronto newspapers and TV stations.
Want to get started or ask a question? Call Grant at 416 836-0710 or email
Selling or auctioning off individual items.
Listing Info/Pricing: For the selling or giving away of individual items.
When ever possible and when everything you have built or bought is ready for camera, take photos of the items and when the time is right ( after you are done with them and they are ready to sell) simply post them on the Ready Set Recycle website along with a good description of the products, how the buyer can pick up or collect it, and how much money you want them to pay for it. That is, it! Once your items are on our site, we will promote them on social media. You sit back and wait for us to make a sale. Even giving items away is better than paying to throw them out and for that, no charge! If you are giving away whole studios of sets or trucks full of items charges may apply.
When you post on Ready Set Recycle your ad can be temporarily unpublished, (hidden from view) until you are ready for people to see it. Many find this option extremely helpful in keeping on top of it all.
To make this process easier we can create a category for your show on Ready Set Recycle. We will supply log-in info that everyone on the show or in the shop can use to post. That way everyone can just take photos then log in and post stuff from their devices!
The trick is to list stuff on our site as far ahead of the wrap as possible AND NOT on wrap day. People need a bit of time to process what you are offering, discuss it with other affected departments and arrange shipping and other logistics. So, if you see items, even off-cut lumber that will end up in a bin, get it posted so we can get the word out.
Some Shows and shops may want to try setting aside one spot in the studio to store items and allow people to come at specific times to see them. Wouldn’t it be great to have a regular day like this in shops and shows all over town? And it would be easy for Ready Set Recycle to get the word out!
Costs to production:
Option 1: If you are just giving stuff away then post for free! Smaller not for profits such as Theatre companies can sell items priced at $300.00 or less without paying any commissions.
Option 2: Pay 3% of your asking price per item posted in advance . Your ad stays active as long as it takes to sell your item.
Option 3: Auction individual items off on Ready Set Recycle! When posting your item(s) select the BIDDING ACTIVE field and then if you have a minimum price in mind enter that amount as the reserve price. You can then set the minimum and maximum bid increases. Set the time frame for your auction in the description file of your ad. Our take is 35% of all sale proceeds.
For options 3 and 4: We collect payment and remit your share to you plus HST collected. Once your ad has been posted your ad will be managed by Ready Set Recycle. An agreement must be signed by both parties outlining all terms and conditions. Once your ad has been posted your ad will be managed by Ready Set Recycle.